Join our ARMY of Mitzvot!
Pick a Mitzvah - Shiranit Girls
Join the Pick A Mitzvah Global Movement! Choose a NEW Mitzvah/Mitzvot that you don’t observe or want to improve! The commitment is for the weekend of Shabbat Project (Nov 15-16)!
Full name
Phone Number
Set Shabbat table
Prepare the candles and refrain from moving them on Shabbat
Connect the hot water kettle before Shabbat
Connect Shabbat hot plate before Shabbat begins
Turn off the refrigerator and freezer lights before Shabbat
Prepare and cut toilet paper before Shabbat (tearing is not allowed on Shabbat)
Help buy and prepare the food for Shabbat
Set aside special clothing for Shabbat
Bake Challah
Have your dorm neat for Shabbat
Cook for Shabbat beforehand and don’t cook during Shabbat
Bathe and be ready before Shabbat starts
Buy flowers to enhance your Shabbat table
Cut and fix your nails before Shabbat
Prepare your Shabbat clothing beforehand
Do your makeup and hair BEFORE Shabbat
Prepare the air conditioning temperature before Shabbat
Give Tzedakah before lighting candles
Light the Shabbat candles on time
Check your pockets before going out on Shabbat
Invite guests over for Shabbat Meals
Listen to Kiddush blessings both on Friday night and Saturday lunch
Wash Netilat Yadaim before eating bread
Recite the Hamotzi bracha before eating bread
Say Birkat Hamazon after eating Challah
Take the stairs on Shabbat
Do not write, cut, etc. during Shabbat
Refrain from using any type of technology (cellphone, computers, TV, etc.)
Do not ride a car during Shabbat
Talk about the Parasha during Shabbat meal
Do not buy or shop for anything during Shabbat
Do not listen to music during Shabbat
Do not go to the gym during Shabbat
Do not turn the TV on
Go to shul for Shabat Prayers
Have a Seuda Shelishit
Go to a Shiur during Shabbat
Make blessings before having breakfast
Study Torah for at least one hour during Shabbat
Do not do homework during Shabbat
Do not use your cellphone during Shabbat
Listen to the Parasha during Shabbat in Shul
Go to shul 1,2 or 3 times during Shabbat
Make Havdalah after Shabbat ends
Treat your guests with special kindness on Shabbat
Or choose your own mitzvah...
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